Crypter writeup
So here is the crypter writeup. What is it about?
A file was encrypted. You have the encryption software and an encrypted file. Decrypt that file.
Challenge accepted!
Let's first identify what we have:
$ file crypter
crypter: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV),
dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32,
BuildID[sha1]=75c7244d2ffea7d3ef05604bb829bb5a8976ba1d, not stripped
$ file out.crypt
out.crypt: data
So, an executable and an unknown binary file. Given its name (and the README) it sounds like it's encrypted. What's its entropy?
$ ent out.crypt
Entropy = 7.998705 bits per byte.
Optimum compression would reduce the size
of this 145032 byte file by 0 percent.
Chi square distribution for 145032 samples is 259.60, and randomly
would exceed this value 40.83 percent of the times.
Arithmetic mean value of data bytes is 127.2753 (127.5 = random).
Monte Carlo value for Pi is 3.151249379 (error 0.31 percent).
Serial correlation coefficient is -0.004602 (totally uncorrelated = 0.0).
Almost 8 bits by byte... Ok, so the entropy is very high and that also means that it's likely to be really encrypted. A low entropy means lots of structure in the file which is exactly what cryptography tries to remove.
Maybe there is some information in the file itself? Some kind of header?
$ xxd out.crypt | head
0000000: 7d66 4fc6 acdb 7b27 ef50 9d4f c2a7 dac0 }fO...{'.P.O....
0000010: 27a4 11f7 d5bb 29ea 465f 4c10 157f a16f '.....).F_L....o
0000020: 1887 8be4 58a5 b506 68f7 8b2b bff9 d438 ....X...h..+...8
0000030: 9bda 3869 1f56 23b3 d54b 9ef9 9c3d 52b7 ..8i.V#..K...=R.
0000040: 5bd8 86f3 b7de 96e6 d9e4 bf44 5b3b b20b [..........D[;..
0000050: e571 7f8f 8516 9ed2 a3d1 80a3 9762 941f .q...........b..
0000060: 8554 5268 6319 8953 0652 6787 f756 cb3c .TRhc..S.Rg..V.<
0000070: 2faa da61 704a d60d 03aa 806a f881 6d5e /..apJ.....j..m^
0000080: 81be a5e3 6678 abac 1b8c c08a fc33 bb97 ....fx.......3..
0000090: 1c7b e3cd e188 4525 5113 e0b2 fda0 156d .{....E%Q......m
Nope. Doesn't look like it. We'll have to reverse the binary.
We'll use radare2 to perform the reversing.
$ r2 crypter
-- Everytime you run radare2, a random file is removed :)
[0x08048510]> s main
[0x0804860b]> af
[0x0804860b]> pdf
Well, that's a long main. For the sake of readability I'll focus on specific parts. What functions are called in this main function?
[0x0804860b]> pdf~call
| 0x08048621 e86afeffff call sym.imp.time
| 0x0804862d e86efeffff call sym.imp.srand
| 0x0804863d e86efeffff call sym.imp.unlink
| 0x08048652 e869feffff call sym.imp.fopen
| 0x0804866a e851feffff call sym.imp.fopen
| .--> 0x08048677 e854feffff call sym.imp.rand
| || 0x08048692 e849feffff call sym.imp.fwrite
| | 0x080486a5 e846feffff call sym.imp.fread
| 0x080486b7 e844feffff call sym.imp.fclose
The first thing we see is that all functions called are dynamically linked. This means that all the effective code of the process is in the main. We'll walk through it one section at a time.
/ (fcn) sym.main 207
| sym.main ();
| ; var int local_11h @ ebp-0x11
| ; var int local_10h @ ebp-0x10
| ; var int local_ch @ ebp-0xc
| ; var int local_4h @ ebp-0x4
| ; var int local_4h_2 @ esp+0x4
| 0x0804860b 8d4c2404 lea ecx, [esp + local_4h_2]
| 0x0804860f 83e4f0 and esp, 0xfffffff0
| 0x08048612 ff71fc push dword [ecx - 4]
| 0x08048615 55 push ebp
| 0x08048616 89e5 mov ebp, esp
| 0x08048618 51 push ecx
| 0x08048619 83ec14 sub esp, 0x14
Function prologue. Radare2 tells us that he identifies 5 local variables. We allocate 0x14 bytes of memory on the stack for those variables. 0x14/4=5 so it is coherent with what radare says if all variables are considered to be of size 4 which is what it identifies given the offsets it gives.
| 0x0804861c 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
| 0x0804861f 6a00 push 0
| 0x08048621 e86afeffff call sym.imp.time
| 0x08048626 83c410 add esp, 0x10
Standard call to an external function for an x86 binary. We first allocate the stack frame of the function, push the argument (0) and end up deallocating it. This call is really:
The next call is similar:
| 0x08048629 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
| 0x0804862c 50 push eax
| 0x0804862d e86efeffff call sym.imp.srand
| 0x08048632 83c410 add esp, 0x10
We pass eax, the return value of the call to time, to srand. So our code is really:
This initializes the global random number generator with the current time.
| 0x08048635 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
| 0x08048638 6860870408 push str.out.crypt
| 0x0804863d e86efeffff call sym.imp.unlink
| 0x08048642 83c410 add esp, 0x10
Here we call unlink with the argument "out.crypt". Unlink is used to delete a file.
| 0x08048645 83ec08 sub esp, 8
| 0x08048648 686a870408 push str.wr_______________
; str.wr_______________ ; "wrsource.png" @ 0x804876a
| 0x0804864d 6860870408 push str.out.crypt
; str.out.crypt ; "out.crypt" @ 0x8048760
| 0x08048652 e869feffff call sym.imp.fopen
| 0x08048657 83c410 add esp, 0x10
| 0x0804865a 8945f4 mov dword [ebp - local_ch], eax
We open a file with fopen. Its arguments are a filename (here out.crypt) and the permissions in the form of a string. This argument seems fishy: wrsource.png doesn't sound like a valid permission qualifier... Let's check:
[0x08048645]> px 5 @ str.wr_______________
- offset - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF
0x0804876a 7700 7200 73 w.r.s
Ok, so as C strings are null-terminated the string really is "w0". Radare must have thought that it was a wide string where all characters are encoded on two bytes.
fopen returns a pointer to a file which is stored in the local variable local_ch.
FILE* local_ch = fopen("out.crypt", "w");
| 0x0804865d 83ec08 sub esp, 8
| 0x08048660 686c870408 push 0x804876c; "rsource.png"
| 0x08048665 686e870408 push 0x804876e; "source.png"
| 0x0804866a e851feffff call sym.imp.fopen
| 0x0804866f 83c410 add esp, 0x10
| 0x08048672 8945f0 mov dword [ebp - local_10h], eax
Another similar call to fopen. Radare2 is still fooled by the strings but we won't be! It's clear that we open source.png in read mode and store the handle in local_10h.
FILE* local_ch = fopen("out.crypt", "w");
FILE* local_10h = fopen("source.png", "r");
Let's stop there for a second because we just discovered something very important: the source is a PNG file! This means that our cryptographic analysis just turned (partially) into a known-text attack as the structure presents some static parts like a MAGIC number. We'll come back to that later.
| ,=< 0x08048675 eb23 jmp 0x804869a
| .--> 0x08048677 e854feffff call sym.imp.rand
| || 0x0804867c 89c2 mov edx, eax
| || 0x0804867e 0fb645ef movzx eax, byte [ebp - local_11h]
| || 0x08048682 31d0 xor eax, edx
| || 0x08048684 8845ef mov byte [ebp - local_11h], al
| || 0x08048687 ff75f4 push dword [ebp - local_ch]
| || 0x0804868a 6a01 push 1
| || 0x0804868c 6a01 push 1
| || 0x0804868e 8d45ef lea eax, [ebp - local_11h]
| || 0x08048691 50 push eax
| || 0x08048692 e849feffff call sym.imp.fwrite
| || 0x08048697 83c410 add esp, 0x10
| |`-> 0x0804869a ff75f0 push dword [ebp - local_10h]
| | 0x0804869d 6a01 push 1
| | 0x0804869f 6a01 push 1
| | 0x080486a1 8d45ef lea eax, [ebp - local_11h]
| | 0x080486a4 50 push eax
| | 0x080486a5 e846feffff call sym.imp.fread
| | 0x080486aa 83c410 add esp, 0x10
| | 0x080486ad 85c0 test eax, eax
| `==< 0x080486af 75c6 jne 0x8048677
This snippet is longer because it really is a loop. We can see that with the two intricated jumps. The loop condition is tested at 0x080486ad: test eax, eax which reads as “The last function call returned 0”. In that case we exit the loop, otherwise we go back to the beginning.
The first iteration skips most of the loop to start with a call to fread. That call takes the following arguments:
void* ptr = eax; (loaded with the address of local_11h, a buffer) size_t size = 1; size_t nmemb = 1; FILE* stream = local_10h; ("source.png")
So we read source.png one byte at a time into local_11h until there's nothing to read anymore.
FILE* local_ch = fopen("out.crypt", "w");
FILE* local_10h = fopen("source.png", "r");
char local_11h;
while (fread(&local_11h, 1, 1, local_10h)) {
// ...
What do we do in that loop? We call rand, move its result in a register (1 byte), xor that byte with our local_11h byte-long buffer. We then push that on the stack along with fwrite arguments:
void* ptr = local_11h; (now xored with rand()) size_t size = 1; size_t nmemb = 1; FILE* stream = local_ch; ("out.crypt")
We write that byte into out.crypt.
This is a simple stream cipher based on rand xored with the plaintext, and we now have understood the more important part of the program:
FILE* local_ch = fopen("out.crypt", "w");
FILE* local_10h = fopen("source.png", "r");
char local_11h;
while (fread(&local_11h, 1, 1, local_10h)) {
local_11h ^= (char) rand();
fwrite(&local_11h, 1, 1, local_ch);
The end is quite clear:
| 0x080486b1 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
| 0x080486b4 ff75f0 push dword [ebp - local_10h]
| 0x080486b7 e844feffff call sym.imp.fclose
| 0x080486bc 83c410 add esp, 0x10
| 0x080486bf 83ec0c sub esp, 0xc
| 0x080486c2 ff75f4 push dword [ebp - local_ch]
| 0x080486c5 e836feffff call sym.imp.fclose
| 0x080486ca 83c410 add esp, 0x10
| 0x080486cd b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x080486d2 8b4dfc mov ecx, dword [ebp - local_4h]
| 0x080486d5 c9 leave
| 0x080486d6 8d61fc lea esp, [ecx - 4]
\ 0x080486d9 c3 ret
We close local_10h and local_ch and exit the program returning eax so 0.
FILE* local_ch = fopen("out.crypt", "w");
FILE* local_10h = fopen("source.png", "r");
char local_11h;
while (fread(&local_11h, 1, 1, local_10h)) {
local_11h ^= (char) rand();
fwrite(&local_11h, 1, 1, local_ch);
return 0;
Yeah! We now have the whole source code of the crypter (or a good enough approximation).
We may have discovered the algorithm but we still can't decrypt our file, can we?
The algorithm goes like this:
+-----------------+ | Current Time | +-----------------+ | V +-----------------+ | Rand() | +-----------------+ | | _V_ +---------------+ / \ +------------+ | Plaintext |--------------> XOR ----------->| Ciphertext | +---------------+ \___/ +------------+
As we can see the only secret is the initial time used to seed the system. If we are able to find this time we also are able to predict any further output so we must find this seed.
Wait a second... That call to time() wasn't long before the fwrite() one. This means that the time used to seed and the time used to build the encrypted file must be close to each other.
$ ls -l out.crypt
-rw-r--r-- 1 cym13 cym13 145032 Oct 20 11:31 out.crypt
$ date -d "Oct 20 11:31" "+%s"
Here we have our time! Well, it's quite approximative, but it's ok for us. Why so? Because it is not a blackbox analysis, remember, it's a known-plaintext analysis! As we know that we are looking for a PNG file we can easily know when we have the right seed: it will simply be the one that gives us a valid PNG file.
How do we know that a file is a PNG file? We check its magic number! Wikipedia gives us the following number:
89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a P N G \r \n \n
So the strategy is the following:
Starting from the creation time we seed the random number generator
We decrypt the first bytes
We check that it starts with the magic number
If it failed we haven't found the right seed, checking the next one
Once we have the right seed we just have to decrypt the whole file!
Let's get to it!
The following is the code of the solver as described previously. The decryption code is almost a copy-paste of the encryption one because xor nullifies itself.
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define start_seed 1476955850 // A bit under the actual time found
#define end_seed 1476960000 // We need some kind of limit, >1h seems good
void decrypt(unsigned seed) {
FILE* fi = fopen("out.crypt", "r");
FILE* fo = fopen("out.png", "w");
char buf;
while (fread(&buf, 1, 1, fi)) {
buf ^= (char) rand();
fwrite(&buf, 1, 1, fo);
int try_decrypt(unsigned seed) {
char magic[] = "\x89\x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a";
char buffer[8];
FILE* fi = fopen("out.crypt", "r");
fread(buffer, 8, 1, fi);
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
buffer[i] ^= (char)rand();
return memcmp(buffer, magic, 8);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned seed;
for (seed=start_seed; seed<end_seed; seed++) {
if (try_decrypt(seed) == 0)
printf("Seed found! %u\n", seed);
return 0;
Don't forget to compile this code in 32bits mode:
$ gcc -m32 solver.c -o solver
$ ./solver
Seed found! 1476955866
And here is our image: